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Natalie修畢心理輔導碩士, 社會科學學士主修心理學,從事輔導及催眠工作越十五年。曾於社會福利機構任職,後赴澳洲修讀臨床催眠及整全香薰文憑,2006年私人執業至今,自行確立一套結合香薰,催眠及輔導的心理治療方法。
Natalie holds Master Degree in Counselling and Bachelor Degree in Social Sciences with a major in Psychology. She has been working as psychological counsellor over fifteen years. She worked in local social welfare agency. Then furthered her study in clinical hypnosis and diploma in aromatherapy in Australia. Since 2006, she has started her private practice with a unique type of therapy that combined aromatherapy, hypnotherapy and counselling
Therapist: About Me
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